Assalamu alaikum.taksimx

I hope you are doing all well.

I guess it is time to give you some information on what is going on in

Istanbul for about 3 weeks. Let me just begin with saying that this is a püre fitnah caused by non-Muslims and their associates inside and outside of Turkey. But Allah has protected Muslims and all their plans were all broken to pieces by the help of Allah.

Allah says in Bakara (2:11) :

وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمْ لَا تُفْسِدُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ قَالُوا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُصْلِحُونَ

 “And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are but reformers.”” (2:11)

All started with a small group of protesters who met in Taksim Gezi Park to prevent re-building of a historical army barracks. Actually, the decision to re-build that building was a legal responsibility as per a resolution that was passed in early 1999. Based on this resolution, Istanbul Municipality prepared all the plans and got the approval from its own general assembly, with the majority of votes from all parties including opposition parties CHP and others in 2011. However, protesters saying that they would protect the trees illegally invaded the Gezi Park and soon some other marginal groups and illegal fractions joined them. Immediately they began to shout anti-government protests. When the Police tried to stop them, the events grew bigger and groups were dispersed by force of tear gas and water cannon. Those protesters did, from the beginning, meet there to start a rally against government, and especially Prime Minister Erdogan.

Turkish people have all democratic rights to express their opinion. However, the anomalous situation is that international media and some international circles falsified the democratic reflex of Turkish citizens, and unfortunately they manipulated the international public opinion with unreal information.

Some groups inside and outside the country were troubled because of Turkey’s “powerful steps”, The question is this : “Can the international media dream be positive about Turkey? Now, the media attacks Turkish government. And  they cooperate with the interest rate lobbies, with domestic and foreign.  Prime Minister Erdogan blamed “interest rate lobbies” for causing volatility in financial markets and vowed to stop them, adding, “Those who attempt to sink the bourse themselves will be trapped under the debris.”
”We had a $23,5 billion debt to IMF. Now we have closed the IMF chapter but they feel uncomfortable about this. The central bank used to have $27.5 billion in its foreign currency reserves and now they have $130 billion. It is not about the Taksim Gezi Park. It is not an issue to root out 15 trees and carry them to another place. Believe me, 95 percent of the population did not now the name of the Gezi Park until now,” he said.
”Interest rate lobbies have made fortunes in this country. When the interest rates fell, these lobbies felt uncomfortable and they do not want a strong Turkey.”

Erdogan also accused protesters of vandalism saying, “they burned down public buildings, vehicles, public buses, cars and injured about 600 police officers. And they are responsible for the death of one of our police officer. If you believe in democracy, if you believe in freedom, the way of democracy passes through the ballot box“, Erdogan said.

European Affairs Minister Bagis stressed that Turkey was not a country to be issued an ultimatum referring to the EP’s concern and criticism over Taksim protests.
Reminding Turkey was democratic, secular, and a social law state, Bagis said “Those who criticise Turkey should have a look at their own countries and how their security forces go beyond their powers in such social protests.” Touching on the interest of international media in Taksim protests, Bagis said it was thought-provoking that the western media focused that much on the recent Taksim events as if the third world war burst out in Turkey while almost 100 people were being killed daily by the government in Syria as well as many natural disasters and massacres took place in other parts of the world. The European Parliament adopted Thursday a resolution expressing its deep concern at what it called “the disproportionate and excessive use of force by Turkish police to break up peaceful and legitimate protests”.
The resolution urged the Turkish authorities to respect the rights of all citizens to freedom of expression and peaceful protest deploring the “harsh reactions” from the Turkish government and Erdogan, while praising what it called the “moderate response” of President Abdullah Gul.

Turkey is undoubtedly an exemplary country for its neighbors in maintaining stability on the basis of democracy. As a founding member of the Council of Europe, progress in the recent years in democracy, rule of law and human rights is evident. The government acts without leaving no room for doubt in protecting freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of demonstration,” the Minister said.
”No country or bloc has the right to give advices to Turkey in this issue. The current incidents in Turkey are not different from the incidents which occurred in many European cities. The discussions in the case of Turkey are a sign of double standard.

Deputy Prime Minister and Government Spokesman Huseyin Celik made a statement that “A plebiscite will be held to sound Istanbul people out to determine what they want and do not want. We will definitely respect the final decision of the people of Istanbul no matter what the outcome will be. Our government will no doubtedly implement the decision of Istanbul people.”

In short, please do not believe what international media is broadcasting. They only make up new lies every minute to get rid of Erdogan and they are admitting this openly. They just want to start something like an Arab Spring like Egypt. They now know that Turkish regime can’t be changed by military coups and that is why they are using the media, the fourth power.

So why are they doing this ?


1.    Turkey has paid all his debts to IMF as of May 2013 after 40 years. The balance is now zero. Turkey will not pay interest any more.

2.    Turkey is becoming a very efficient and wealthy country in Europe and in MidEast. While European economies are collapsing, Turkish economy is growing at an incredible rate. Industry is growing and in a few years, Turkey will also become a very strong supplier in sophisticated defence systems, aviation and shipbuilding.

3.    After 30 years of struggles and fight with the Kurds in South Eastern Turkey, the government has started a new policy and the fight stopped. Alhamdullliah, no one was injured or killed by terror in the past 5 months and Kurdish rebels all have gone out of Turkey. Now those parts of Turkey which suffered the fights are being opened to agriculture and farming.

4.    The third airport in Istanbul is now being built and when it is completed in 2018, it will be one of the biggest in the world and most busy hub in Europe and MidEast. Obviously, Europeans don’t want to leave the air superiority to Turkey. Especially Lufthansa, British Airways and German Aviation Lobby are very concerned by this. They don’t want to yield the superiority to Turkey.

5.    A new bridge between Asia and Europe is now being built in Bosphorus in Istanbul and hundreds of kilometres of highways are under construction which will connect Turkey to Europe. This will increase transport and trade between MidEast, CIS countries, Europe.

6.    Turkey is now starting plans to connect Black Sea to Marmara Sea. This will be a very big project and ways of trade and business will change considerably.

7.    Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and interest rates are always going down. Before  Erdogan, can you believe that the daily interest rate was as high as 7500%? The inflation rate was close 100%. Now all have changed and interest lobby are not making money. Inflation rate is below 10% for more than 5 years.

8.    Just recently Parliament passed a law that restrict alcohol consumption by stopping open advertisement of alcoholic drinks and allow strict measures against drink driving. The alcohol lobby are furious about this regulation and they have provoking many people in the streets.

9.    Turkey has already shown that democracy is possibleand sustainable in countries where Muslims are in majority and that Muslim countries can be very good examples of peace, good management and improvement. However, Turkey has not only become an example but also a leader in many fields.

10.  Non-Muslims, especially Europeans,  are not happy as they feel that Turkey’s success can be imitated by other countries, which will cause them to lose their power and dominance above these countries.

Obviously, global barons and their associates in Turkey don’t like to see a strong Turkey and they use the media to provoke people by misleading information. Local associates are some big banks, some very big family holdings, alcohol lobby. Some are reported to say that they are ready to sponsor and spend enough money to get rid of Erdogan.

Police have found out that protesters are given money, free food and beer by international organizations, foreign banks and especially German associations and NGOs.

Allah says in Surah 49:6:

“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ


Reuter, CNN, BBC and other media giants have been manipulating the news and trying to give an impression that Turkey is having its own Turkish spring. They have made up many stories, photoshopped many pictures and invented other means to give the impression that the the “revolution in Turkey” began. They only exaggerate and manipulate things to deceive people. Don’t believe them.

Don’t also believe what the so-called social networks bring. Somebody just invents a story and tweets it. In one second the same lie is retweeted million times and even the originator starts to believe it. This is actually what has been going on for the past 3 weeks (maybe more than that). Of course, there are people who don’t like the regime and who want to have other kind of governments. As this is democracy, there is freedom of thinking. The troubling point is that now people are easily manipulated and provoked by use of tweeter and other social nets. And while the barons watch the news, protesting people are poured into streets. What these protesters do is only to break and steal and vandal.  Of course, CNN and BBC just tell that the Police use excessive force to stop these protesters. What they don’t show is the buses, bus shelters, urban facilities, private cars, shops and houses that these vandals destroy.

As of today, (18 June), the situation is totally under control. Pedestrians and traffic can freely Now everyone is against the protesters, especially shop owners, local traders and residents of affected places in nearby Taksim. Because their property was destroyed by these “peaceful” protesters. We see these every day but CNN, BBC etc don’t want to say anything as they want the unrest to continue.

Inshaallah their efforts will be wasted by the help of Allah.

Please make dua for the unity of Muslims.

We just wanted to share our comments. We will be more than happy to share our information with you on what is going on in Turkey.

Best regards.

May Allah bless you.

Dr. Hüseyin Kami Büyüközer
President, GİMDES
İstanbul, TURKEY
Tel  : +90 212 438 3318
Fax : +90 212 438 3319

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